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Winter Skin Care for Seniors

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

Do you know the largest organ of the body? Did you say brain, or maybe stomach? Well, it's actually your skin! Skin is our protective outer layer and it is the largest organ of the body. Our skin can tell us a lot about our health and well-being. It requires continuous attention and care, especially for the elderly. The state and appearance of our skin is much different in the summer than it is during the winter. Winter requires us to take extra steps to help maintain the health and glow of our skin.

Winter can be a very tough season for most things, but especially for your skin. The harsh and cold outside environment coupled with the dry and heated inside environments really wear on the skin. This is why we must take extra care and precautions so that we don’t develop any skin problems. Here are some useful tips to help ensure Jack Frost doesn’t nip at your skin!

Constant Hydration

Winter has a special way of pouncing on the skin. Some of our indoor habits, such as taking hot baths or staying near heaters, only adds to the drying out of our skin. To combat this, it is important to drink plenty of water and maintain high hydration levels throughout the winter months. Maintaining high hydration levels allows the skin to stay moisturized and also aids in the body’s ability to remove toxins.

To make your skin as smooth as a baby’s, ensure you drink enough water and include it in your diet in the form of fruits and juices. Water helps to keep the skin younger and radiant, allows organs to work correctly, and also aids in digestion.

Use Humidifiers

Furnaces and other heating methods can remove moisture from the air, causing the skin to dry out. Humidifiers retain and restore moisture in the atmosphere. Place humidifiers in every necessary space to ensure adequate moisture in the air. Apart from keeping the skin healthy and moisturized, humidifiers help keep the air warm and easier to breathe in. Humidifiers can also help clean the air by creating a more humid environment that helps the decay of some viruses. Also, you will get a comfortable and relaxing sleep since humidifiers help in the battle versus dry noses and snoring!

Taking Shorter, Cool Showers

Most people would prefer to take hot baths during the winter weather, but they don’t know it causes irritation to the skin and causes it to dry out. Though we typically love a nice, relaxing, hot bath during the winter months, this practice actually worsens our dry skin problems. So it’s advised to take shorter, cool showers instead. It may even be necessary to take less showers per week than during the summer. Shorter cooler showers help keep the skin soft and relaxed. Cold showers also relax the blood vessels and promote blood circulation in the body. It calms itchy skin and revitalizes and refreshes the body.

Apply Enough Moisturizer

Skin moisturizing is vital during winter; it smoothens the dry, flaky skin winter creates and gives a thin layer of protection from the elements. It is a worthwhile habit to develop. From petroleum-based products to natural oils such as coconut or jojoba, these should be kept in stock around the home and used often. Be sure to supplement your moisturizing routine with soaps that aren’t too harsh on the skin and rich with natural oils.

Eat a Balanced Diet

The older we get, the more conscious we should become of our diets. We should do our best to eat in a manner that aids our immune systems. A balanced diet arms your immune system to fight the diseases you are naturally susceptible to because of age. Our diet can also be a huge determining factor into the look and health of our skin.

Be sure to stay on top of your vitamins and minerals to maintain optimum health. Things like fatty fish, avocados, and walnuts are excellent foods to help maintain your skin’s glow. Are you someone that could benefit from these tips? Or, do you know someone that would? If so, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Christian Companions and one of our caregivers can help you implement these tips or help create a care program catered to your personal needs.

You can trust us to give top priority to your health and well-being. Our friendly, patient caregivers are always happy to assist with your needs. Reach out to us today for the best in-home care experience.


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